Wednesday 30 November 2011

Media Studies Mest 4 - Linked Production Idea

For my linked production idea i have decided to focus on the print based of the media platform, and create a 4 page article that would go into the game magazines that i have focused on in my reaserch, magazines such as Gamesmaster, Playsation magazine, GamesTM magazine etc. Im going to look at the layout of each of the magazines and see how they produce their articles, the programme that i am planning to use for this is illustrator, as the programme is best for producing articles, and i found it comfortable to use in year 12.
Abit of reseach will be needed by looking into the language and the images that these magazines uses and also their use of color also, and what target audince these magazines focuses on.

For my linked production i am going choose to confirm the issue and go with the idea that games in our 21st are reflecting different type of relalities using the two texts that i have focusing on throughout my critical invsetigation and the reaserch that i have done for that.

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