Monday, 16 January 2012

Mest 4 Production Plan

Week beginning
What I need to do
16th January
Mock ups for link production piece.

Watch Lynda tutorials
Get examples of grand theft game covers, and get promotional posters to use as a guide.
Username and password for Lynda

23rd January onwards
Start getting images of the London riots, mostly teens, up to 15 images and cut down to the top 9. 

Update all blog posts including Intentions, Image production plan and production plan.  

Work on the angle, lighting, setting in which the photos will be taken.

Select the images that would work best with the game cover collage.
30th January
Start designing games cover for grand theft auto style game.

Get the images that you are going to use and start manipulating them in the style of the game cover. (A lot of editing.) 
6th February
Start designing the wanted poster for the London riots game.

Start editing the pictures you have taken of the person you want to be in the poster.
13th February
Finalize each production piece, and make sure each is as accurate as it is meant to be.

Check off each of the steps that I have completed, and make sure it is done well.
20th February
Finale entire Production.
Deadline 22nd February

1 comment:

  1. This is a good overview.. well done. I won't press for detailed specifics (although I want to!!) because I think you have given yourself a framework for deadlines which is what I wanted. Now you have to go deeper and ensure there are daily to do's.
