Sunday, 30 October 2011

CI Clips - Call of duty

Feminism CI - Issues and debates that are raised

The issues and debates that is raised from the the thoery of feminism, is that in certain societies men have more of a dominance over women, one of the viewpoints and debates that surround the feminist theory in terms of my CI investigation is debate of sexual fantasy and the icons such as lara croft, that inspire the feminist gender in our generation of gaming.
What they say about the this pirticular area of this debate is that lara croft as example was made to be a tough, self-reliannt and intelligent women, she does confounds  all the sexual cliches apart from her extraordinary figure, the strong, independent girls are always the ideal fantasy girls, in the thoery and the way the media represents both of the stereotypical gender, women are seen more as the soft type, the type that stays at home, soft, probably likes to shop and the type that are dependent on their man, the reason why lara croftt is a perfect example to use for this and still keeping the concept of game in to the debates, lara croft defies all the conventional ideologies of the feminine gender, playing the game you will see that she works alone and that she takes on eniemies that are mostly male and usually overcomes them. This goes to show that women still has the power to be dominate and independent and stand on their own feet, and just because Call of duty is mainly a 'guys' game dosent mean that the game was mainly targeted at the male demographic.

As for Grand theft auto, it can be said abit differently, in the game there are women that are seen as strong and wel capable, and has order of few of the chararcters, so it kind of balanced on both sides, but most of the times it is the males that has the 'upper hand'.

CI Clips- Grand Theft Auto

Friday, 28 October 2011

Mest 4 Theory Research for CI - Feminism

For both of my chosen texts you could say that there is a lack of feminity, for these two games the gender demographic for both of these games are males, and the contents of the games reflects more a masculin ideology, especially for the Call of duty franchise, the way the public see this is that if a girl speaks of playing Call of duty, it would see most probably weird to boys, as they are mostly seen to be in the idea of guns, battle and blood.
For the grand theft auto franchise it is similar, but a percentage of the female public do tend to take an interest in Grand theft auto, mainly to the reason that grand theft auto is an open game, and it allows you to do an range of stuff in terms of social communication, e.g. shopping, dating, tourism.
We are all aware of the kinds of stereotypes that is reinforced by media representations, they look something like this

Feminity                                                               Masculinity
Caring                                                                   Tough
Nuturing                                                                Providing
Emotional                                                              Rational
Domestic- Home orentated                                    Public- Work orientated
Senstive                                                                Thick-skinned
Passive                                                                 Active
Gentle                                                                   Rough                                                              
Soft                                                                       Hard

Looking at these stereotypes the point that is being put across is that they still describe very similar versions of masculinity and feminity, and futhermore it is easy to se how these qualities are associated with power, political leadership, status and well paid jobs.

Parody Poster of Call of duty In terms of females 

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Vladamir Propp CI - Debates and Issues that is raised

The issues and debates that is raised in terms of the vladimir propp theory of the 8 characters is firstly is that does games of our generation that has a structure to the prior of the vladimir propp theory, makes a better undestanding of the game or is it too cliche to do it that way, making it loose fans?
The way we understand the conventional story of a hero is that he overcomes the villian and takes the girl, with the games such as Grand theft auto, the twist the storyline to make it realistic, for example, in the game, the main character does defeat the enemy, but along the way the love interest dies, so the happy ending is not quite there, by doing this the audience gets that sting in the tail when it comes to predicting what might happen at the end of the game.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Mest 4 Theory Research for CI - Vladmir Propp - Fairy Tale

The Vladamir propp theory, expresses the theory of the fairy tales characters which consists of a conventional fairy tale, the characters that propp includes is;
  • The hero- The one who defeats the villian and savees the day.
  • The villian- The one who struggles against the hero.
  • The helper- The one who helps the hero on his quest/ mission.
  • The Princess/ Love interest- The hero marries the princess
  • The Donor - The person who equippes the hero with a mystical object or weapon.
  • False hero - The person who pretends to be the hero, to get all the credit.
The reasons why i used thistheory in my CI is because i beileve in some ways its applies to my chosen texts, porticulary grand theft auto, which consists of the storyline, pirticulary in grand theft auto 4, but the way in which the story line flows, it kinda twists the fairy tale and it dosent exactly go the way the fairy tale may suggest, as grand theft auto is a game that has voilenece and deception, it dosent have a conventional happy ending that the public is aware of. The main character niko bellic is the main character and sort of the hero in a way because not only does he saves the life of the cousin roman but also saves the future that he wants for him self by the decisions that he makes.
The vladmir propp theory dosen't really aplly with the call of duty franchise because the characters are indeed different and its all about teamwork, survival and overcoming the enemy.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Postmordernism CI - Issues and debates that are raised

A debate that can be raised due to the fact that is games now in our 21st century are becoming more postmordernism is that, as games are having more of a real expereince, is that attracting more of the public to play those games?
Grand theft auto is the most highest rated PS3 games of all time due to its realism and gameplay quality, the graphics of the game is smooth and the contents is a variety, so by grand theft having all this, is this atracting more game players to play the game, plus with its multiplayer content.

This can also be raised with the call of duty franchise, which each of the Call of duty that was made, they improved it in terms of content and multiplayer, the storylibe has also has improved as well, the instituion that is involved with call of duty, which is infinity ward, they want their games to feel as real as possible, by this it will get more fans playing the game, and by that make more money as lots of people will be playing the game.

Another debate that is raised that also links to the thoery of postmordernism is the 'Video game controversy' which is discussed as video games maintaining a voilent, sexual and graphic imagery within them and by so doing it can have a impact on the audience, for example the ps2 game 'Manhunt' it was prevented from going into a third installment, due to the contents of the game being extremely violent that a 15 year old killed his grandparents due to wanting to imitate the kills moves of manhunt.
The video game controversy also states that the content of video games like voilence and nudity can send of a bad message, for example:

  • On June 7, 2003, 18-year-old American Devin Moore shot and killed two policemen and a dispatcher after grabbing one of the officers' weapons following an arrest for the possession of a stolen vehicle. At trial, the defense claimed that Moore had been inspired by the video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

  • By these sort of crimes being inspired by these games, its sending of the fact that you could do these things in real life and that could be a growing problem for the developers of the games.

    Mest 4 Media Theory Reasearch for CI - Postmordernism

    The most important theory that surrounds my CI question is the theory of postmordernism, as i am looking how our generation of gaming is a reflection of different types of reality, postmordern reflects that question as the thoery is based on the idea that media texts are reality based but different concepts of the media texts is set up for our entertainment purposes, so it keeps the audience interested and intrigued.
    The useful aspect of postmordermism is the way that it conceptulises the relationship between the media and reality, and how the media can contruct the reality that is brought across to the audience.

    Most of the public's experince comes from media texts instead of first-hand, direct experience that the signs that we get becomes, 'more real than real', that is the part of our lives that is dominiated with diferent types of media such as television, computer games, DVD, internet, Chatrooms, magazines and newspapers, and it is important in a way that we have these sort of media in our lives because without it we would be blind from the truth, the truth that we rely on the media everyday to give us the information that is relevant to us in our everyday lives.

    With games such as grand theft auto and call of duty, these games link in massivly with the theory of postmordernism because these games are based on reality factors but in game style, but a line is drawn between that and there is only a limit to how postmordern a game can get, for example with Call of Duty, the game stimulates the infantry and the combined arms of the world war 1 and 2, in the game it contains guns of real life such as AK47, Assult Rifle, M4 carbine and other weapons, the reason why they do this is to reinforce the realness of the game, they aslo base the game in real life locations round the world to give you the full expereince of the game, and including media language the all of the call of duty games is set in first person as if you are the character, using real life startegies and tactics to overcome you oppenent or the opossing team. the bit where the line is drawn is the mods and cheats that is used in the game, this can give you extraordnary abilities when you proceed in yor rank.
    For Grand theft Auto, the game is set in location throughout america, but the name is changed not to mimick the locations entirely but you could still tell what state is supose to be, the mission and te story line brings across ideologies of status, escape and oppotunities, and in the latest grand theft, the game is wide spread, so you can do much more than just the missions, and with contents such as cars, and pedestrians, make the game more real, just like call of duty, the game draws that same line when it comes to cheats and mods so you still get that feeling that it is just a game.

    Gameplay of GTA IV 

    Gameplay of GTA: San Andreas 

    Media Studies Mest 4 - Book/Article Reasearch

    For the continuation of my mest 4 research in terms of my CI question which is 'Is our generation of 21st gaming a reflection if different types of realities?' and the two texts that i am focusing on is the Grand Theft Auto franchise and the Call of Duty franchise also, i choose these two texts because for me these games are pretty much the defining games of the different events that is possible to happen in real life.

    I will be looking at different theories in the media that links in with my critical investigation and examine the debates that is raised with within the theories that link to it, in  terms of who-what-why and how.

    Monday, 17 October 2011

    Media Studies Textual Analysis.... E-Media

    Grand Theft Auto -

    Call Of Duty-

    Sunday, 16 October 2011

    M.I.G.R.A.I.N Textual Analysis...Institutions

    For my Text analysis i have look at the institutions that is involved with the production of my two texts which is Grand theft auto and Call of duty, i looked at there website in general and see the different games that they have made, and see how it links with my two texts and how that is associated with my CI question, seeing how long garand theft has been around and how it has grown up with our genereation, rockstar is a well respected games developer and it is responsible for making garnd theft the most highest rated PS3 game of all time.
    For call of duty, infinity ward developed the call of duty franchise that we have also grown up with, as call of duty is a first person shooter, and the contents it maintains, along with the highest multiplayer figures in the history of first person shooters, call of duty is no doubt one of the best war games in exsistence, with infinity ward and activison having a major part to play in it.

    Friday, 14 October 2011

    Media Studies CI- What I've done so far...

    As my texts for my CI are based on the 'Call of Duty' Franchise and the 'Grand Theft Auto' franchise im collecting materials from each of the media platforms, e-media, print and broadcast, right now i have collected aricles of each of my texts from print magazines such as Gamesmaster, Playstaion Magazine, and Play game, i have also done printscreens of the actual gameplay so i can relate it to my CI question, this will be helpful when it comes to analysis. I have also done a Textual analysis brainstorm of each of my texts.

    What i am going to now is look at the companies that made these games, so for call of duty it will be activision, and for grand theft auto it will be rockstar games, look at the different games that they also made and compare it and link the similarities, i will aso get examples from the rest of the two platforms, e-media and broadcast, i will then look at the historical context of each game and the impact on the generation and do a full M.I.G.R.A.I.N analysis of the texts on focus.

    Monday, 10 October 2011

    Textual analysis

    The texts that i have decided to look in for my investigation is Games master magazine and IGN website which focuses on the our generation of gaming and gives us a insight on the latest games and what we can expect from them.
    For these texts i will be looking at the historical contexts of my investigation and comparing the way gaming has enhanced over the years and how postmordern can a certain games get until it is literally gimmicking realty, such as grand theft auto, call of duty, battlefield, uncharted etc.

    For the two texts the games that i will be focusing on will be Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, the reasons why i am choosing these games is because these games maintain concepts and activities and you could do in real life, for example, call of duty is set in different location such as iran and Afganistan , these location really exist so does the guns that appear in the game.  Grand theft auto on the other hand is set in america, the games is a freestyle game, you can got to the bar, play pool, shopping etc, the buildings that is in the game is mirror image to the buildings that in real life, for example the empire state building, the cyrstler building and the statue of liberty.

    Wednesday, 5 October 2011

    My Critical Investigation Idea

    3 possible Investigation options:

    1) Is our generation of gaming a reflection of different realities? For example the theory of post mordernism and how different games are based in real life locations, and what we can do in the games, is what we could most probably do in reality.

    2) Is hollywood running out of ideas for movie making? We see a lot of remakes for different movies and movies that are based on the same foundation. Is the film industry slowly dying or has it got even more to give.

    3) Does society need to based on equality or do you have to be a certain person to fit in? in certain societies you have to be a certain way, why can't we all be equal and live in the same place, without predujice or discrimination?

    These three interest me because these are like the little things that we may not notice, but will have a big impact on the lives for the generation to come.

    I have settled on the first critical investigation that ask the question of if our generation of gaming a reflection of different realities including the theory of postmordernism.

    Initial ideas for critical investigation and linked production:-

    1) The text and topic that is to be investigated is the topic will be on gaming and if our generation of gaming is a reflection of different types of realities, the texts that i will be focusing on is IGN, and games master magazine.

    2) For a linked production piece, i was thinking that i could do an exclusive article for games master on our generation gaming and the different games that is brought out to us as being post mordern, but yet keep that gaming bubble to not make it to not too real.

    3) the three media texts i could bring in to my investigation is IGN, which focuses on next generation gaming such as PS3 and Xbox 360, games master which is a magazine entirely focused on the gaming world, and perhaps PSM which is a Playstation magazine.

    4) With Migrain this could be applied to my investigation by linking in each point and where it fits in with the investigation i am doing,

    • Media language fits in with the gaming so for example the type of shots that is involved, whether the game is in first person or 3rd person, it makes you fell as if you are the character that can have a big part to play in that.
    • Institution involve, playstation, xbox, also the companies that are behind the productions such as EA games, Naughty dog, Activision. 
    • Genre of my investigation is gaming and the theory of postmordernism and how a game may look like a realty but different aspects is put for entertainment purposes. 
    • Representation can be linked by how these games make a representation of being real and how it can have a impact on our lives. 
    • Audience that is involved is mostly teenagers that are in to games and the latest realises and young adults 20+, but mainly male as females doesen't take a huge interest in gaming as much as men. 
    • Ideologies that is brings across is the idea of realism and how the more real a game may seem the better the experience that the gamer will have. 
    • Narrative of the the investigation is the way the games is told as the way its seen, the story line can link with the post morderism, e.g. a man moving to a city to have a fresh start but still haunted by his past..' 
    5) the issues and debates that arises from my investigation is that is our generation of gaming changing over the years, looking at the historical context of the isssue, and see how gaming has improved and enhanced over the years, from Playstation to Playstaion 3.

    The two texts that i have decided to focus on is Grand Theft Auto and Call of duty, each franchise has a big part to play in my CI and i'll show you why...

    Media Studies Reflection On Mock!

    For our assignment we had to focus on a pirticular topic that is that has raised big issue in the world of media in terms of 2011, the topics that was focused on was, 9/11 10 years on, the arab spring, the summer riots, the topic that i had focused on was the 'Phone hacking scandal' which took place recently this year, the most important thing that we had to focus on was how the media dealt with the issue and brouht towards the audience.

    5 things that went well:
    1. dug deep into the topic and explored different aspects.
    2. used evidental sources to back up my points
    3. kept focus on the pionts.
    4. thinking outside the box, how the topic has a wider long term effect.
    5. uses of theory.

    5 things that would be even better
    1. for each point that is made go even deeper
    2. use more media theories that link with the issues
    3. use more textual examples from each media platform
    4. use the public as a base of opinion.
    5. use more historical contexts to make a link.

    Monday, 3 October 2011

    Media Essay 2011- The most Pivotal Year

    Media Essay- 2011- The Most Pivotal Year of our Generation    Andre Emanuel

    The year of 2011 has brought to our generation some of the most shocking, and quite memorable topics that could have been heard of. Topics such as the summer riots, the Arab spring, the royal wedding and of course the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on America and that also changed the world and many of the lives that was involved on that tragic day. The phone hacking scandal has a major part to play in why 2011 is the most pivotal year of our generation in terms of how it has affected us and the media that was involved. Quick scanning over the phone hacking scandal, the newspaper company ‘news of the world’ hacked into celebrities and young people’s phones in order to get a story; this was majorally attacked by the death of Milly dowler, a young girl who was murdered and news of the world hacked into her phone, deleting her messages with her parents having false hopes about her whereabouts, this in itself is unacceptable and raising questions on if we could ever trust the media 100%, our generation relies on the media to bring us the latest stories and also keep us up to date on what is happening in the world. How we take and interpret the media is totally up to us.
    A lot of events has happened over the year of 2011 but for me i would say that the phone hacking scandal that took place in 2011 would be presented as being the most pivotal of 2011, and the reasons why to back up this statement, the phone hacking scandal is o ne issue but how it has been represented through the media is another issue, and that is the concept that is the most important. The media has to power to either define us or destroy us, we rely on the media every day, with its categories such as magazines, newspapers, the internet and televisions and radios, even music and with the phone hacking scandal that recently happened perhaps the media has taken advantage of the fact, with the extent of the phone hacking scandal it has caused one of the most well known newspaper companies to shut down for good. Something like this have never really happened before and it is not every day that a major newspaper company closes down for good, and the fact that it happened in our generation, it does have an impact on our lives more than we realise, and it also gives us that idea that if it can happen to celebrities and normal people then it can also happen to us as well. The phone hacking scandal compared to the other to the other major stories that took place this year, may not seem big when you think about it, compared to 9/11 that literally changed the world, our generation may not remember it happening but 10 years on the world stops to pay their respects to the 3000+ people who lost their lives that they, because that they it wasn’t just America that was attacked, they whole world was attacked along with it, and now it being 10 years since the attack and the whole world remembering that tragic day, our generation got a bit of a wakeup call and learned a very valuable lesson that nowhere in the world is safe, and that anything can happen.
    The phone hacking scandal compared to the summer riots have roughly about the same impact on our generation as 2011 being the most pivotal year, the summer riots would definitely play a crucial part because first of all it happened in our area so close to our homes, with hundreds of people looting and businesses and shops being burnt down to the ground, years of business development being destroyed in a matter of hours, the summer riots was using media such as the internet and phones in order to get more people involved and also to put forth the absolute damage that occurred to many areas.
    The way in which the media dealt with the issues that took place in 2011, is based on each of the media platforms, e-media, broadcast and print putting it forth to the public in whether it was a necessary thing to do. For the e-media platform, phone hacking got involved with such websites as twitter, face book, and also having some clips on YouTube involving discussions about the phone hacking scandal that involved news of the world. For the twitter they had a phone hacking page in which the pubic could follow and keep up to date with their latest news. For facebook they made a ‘like’ page in terms of the phone hacking, although the information they had on the ‘like’ page was a direct link to Wikipedia, the phone hacking was also focused on the guardian website, the telegraph and also the BBC news in which contained quotes from MPs such as David Cameron and David Milliband on what they thought about the issue.
    The way in which news international responded with the phone hacking is that rebekah brooks the editor of the news of the world resigned from her job, and news Corp boss Rupert Murdock issued an apology of the ‘serious wrongdoing’ in the UK national newspapers and adverts. For the broadcast platform YouTube had clips which included discussions for the phone hacking scandal, and also podcasts talks on the guardian website, with people giving their opinions.
    The phone hacking scandal in terms of theory links with the theory of uses and gratifications put forth by Denis McQuail which states the idea of personal values which links in with the concept of privacy which is important when it comes to our personal lives, also the Marxism theory can also be applied which states the idea of social change, society has changed over the years one of the ways is technology, and the media is using that to their grasp, unaware of the consequences.
    In conclusion the phone hacking scandal would have a major part to play in 2011 being the most pivotal year, as it is the first issue that became so big that one of the top newspaper being shut down because of it. The phone hacking contributes to the power of the statement, in a idea that the media is not only based on what we know or how it is presented to us but it is also based on trust, whether the media can restore trust is unknown, but what it can do now is make sure nothing like this ever happens again.