Sunday, 30 October 2011

Feminism CI - Issues and debates that are raised

The issues and debates that is raised from the the thoery of feminism, is that in certain societies men have more of a dominance over women, one of the viewpoints and debates that surround the feminist theory in terms of my CI investigation is debate of sexual fantasy and the icons such as lara croft, that inspire the feminist gender in our generation of gaming.
What they say about the this pirticular area of this debate is that lara croft as example was made to be a tough, self-reliannt and intelligent women, she does confounds  all the sexual cliches apart from her extraordinary figure, the strong, independent girls are always the ideal fantasy girls, in the thoery and the way the media represents both of the stereotypical gender, women are seen more as the soft type, the type that stays at home, soft, probably likes to shop and the type that are dependent on their man, the reason why lara croftt is a perfect example to use for this and still keeping the concept of game in to the debates, lara croft defies all the conventional ideologies of the feminine gender, playing the game you will see that she works alone and that she takes on eniemies that are mostly male and usually overcomes them. This goes to show that women still has the power to be dominate and independent and stand on their own feet, and just because Call of duty is mainly a 'guys' game dosent mean that the game was mainly targeted at the male demographic.

As for Grand theft auto, it can be said abit differently, in the game there are women that are seen as strong and wel capable, and has order of few of the chararcters, so it kind of balanced on both sides, but most of the times it is the males that has the 'upper hand'.

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