The useful aspect of postmordermism is the way that it conceptulises the relationship between the media and reality, and how the media can contruct the reality that is brought across to the audience.
Most of the public's experince comes from media texts instead of first-hand, direct experience that the signs that we get becomes, 'more real than real', that is the part of our lives that is dominiated with diferent types of media such as television, computer games, DVD, internet, Chatrooms, magazines and newspapers, and it is important in a way that we have these sort of media in our lives because without it we would be blind from the truth, the truth that we rely on the media everyday to give us the information that is relevant to us in our everyday lives.
With games such as grand theft auto and call of duty, these games link in massivly with the theory of postmordernism because these games are based on reality factors but in game style, but a line is drawn between that and there is only a limit to how postmordern a game can get, for example with Call of Duty, the game stimulates the infantry and the combined arms of the world war 1 and 2, in the game it contains guns of real life such as AK47, Assult Rifle, M4 carbine and other weapons, the reason why they do this is to reinforce the realness of the game, they aslo base the game in real life locations round the world to give you the full expereince of the game, and including media language the all of the call of duty games is set in first person as if you are the character, using real life startegies and tactics to overcome you oppenent or the opossing team. the bit where the line is drawn is the mods and cheats that is used in the game, this can give you extraordnary abilities when you proceed in yor rank.
For Grand theft Auto, the game is set in location throughout america, but the name is changed not to mimick the locations entirely but you could still tell what state is supose to be, the mission and te story line brings across ideologies of status, escape and oppotunities, and in the latest grand theft, the game is wide spread, so you can do much more than just the missions, and with contents such as cars, and pedestrians, make the game more real, just like call of duty, the game draws that same line when it comes to cheats and mods so you still get that feeling that it is just a game.
Gameplay of GTA IV
Gameplay of GTA: San Andreas
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