Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Mest 4 Theory Research for CI - Vladmir Propp - Fairy Tale

The Vladamir propp theory, expresses the theory of the fairy tales characters which consists of a conventional fairy tale, the characters that propp includes is;
  • The hero- The one who defeats the villian and savees the day.
  • The villian- The one who struggles against the hero.
  • The helper- The one who helps the hero on his quest/ mission.
  • The Princess/ Love interest- The hero marries the princess
  • The Donor - The person who equippes the hero with a mystical object or weapon.
  • False hero - The person who pretends to be the hero, to get all the credit.
The reasons why i used thistheory in my CI is because i beileve in some ways its applies to my chosen texts, porticulary grand theft auto, which consists of the storyline, pirticulary in grand theft auto 4, but the way in which the story line flows, it kinda twists the fairy tale and it dosent exactly go the way the fairy tale may suggest, as grand theft auto is a game that has voilenece and deception, it dosent have a conventional happy ending that the public is aware of. The main character niko bellic is the main character and sort of the hero in a way because not only does he saves the life of the cousin roman but also saves the future that he wants for him self by the decisions that he makes.
The vladmir propp theory dosen't really aplly with the call of duty franchise because the characters are indeed different and its all about teamwork, survival and overcoming the enemy.

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